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All on 4 Dental Implants in Mexico

Save 70% in All on 4 procedure in Mexico.

This procedure dating back to 1990, is intended for people who need to rehabilitate one or both jaws with lack of teeth and want to replace their mobile dental prosthesis for an alternative more efficient hygienic, natural and comfortable.

Why to consider this kind of implants?

ALL ON 4 – ALL ON 6 dental implants is a bridge of titanium porcelain which is fixed by means of implants, can be performed in patients with low levels of bone density without resorting to a bone graft, this of course, depending on each case in particular, this procedure uses 6 or 4 implants that aims to better support, the installed dental implants have a cap of anchoring and well determined placement angle, the procedure is minimally invasive, painless and does not require multiple surgeries for which recovery is surprisingly fast in people with a good general health status, approximately three days with a bit of discomfort and a full recovery after three weeks, however , is worth mentioning that six months should be expected that the process of osseointegration of dental implants may be full.


Choosing among ALL ON 6 or ALL ON 4 dental implants is a decision that our specialized dentists take in Dental Evolution Cancun, depending on each particular case, once are made the review, the relevant tests and are explained to our patients the options and features of each of these two options.


Place ALL ON 6 dental implant provides greater stability to patients who have a lower bone density and their chewing is more constant and powerful, while ALL ON 4 is recommended for patients who have a better maxillary bone constitution and, in both cases when they want to obtain stability through a new set of teeth than with this system of implants as pillars, it will serve to a bridge prothesis that wrath screwed or fixed securely in any arch of the mouth, giving the possibility and freedom of biting and chewing more confidently.


Whether the decision is ALL ON 6 or ALL ON 4  is always more successful placing these dental on the front of the denture implants since it is in that part of the jaw where the bone has greater density, titanium prosthesis is mounted on this system of pillars and will have the capacity to accommodate 12 or 14 teeth, once installed the prosthesis there will be no need to remove it, dental hygiene will consist of mouthwashes and brushed just as you would with original teeth, you will notice the difference, your smile and oral function will improve significantly.


Another huge benefit provided by this procedure is saving money, because in the system of traditional dental implants is placed a dental implant for each tooth, which would generate a difference in costs.


In our Cancun dental clinic, factors such as facial features, masticatory force, low or high line of smile, hyper lip, bone resorption, general state of health, emotional situation, among others, are thoroughly studied and taken into account when choosing the procedure that best adapts to the needs and expectations of our patients, in Dental Evolution in Cancun we have a full and radiant smile waiting for you at a very affordable cost in your next vacation be sure to visit us.


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Benefits of All on 4 o All on 6 implants

  • They give a youthful appearance because they prevent the immediate bone area to retract.
  • They are designed to last a lifetime, even beyond.
  • They promote self-esteem because it looks very aesthetic.
  • Simple activities that used to motivate distrust and insecurity are overcome, since with dental implants you can eat everything, smile and speak naturally without fear that the teeth come out from its place.
  • Since dental implants are integrated with the maxilla, help to maintain a healthy bone.
  • Dental implants do not affect the adjacent original teeth to the ones that will be replaced, as bridges and removable teeth which attach to them wearing out them.
  • You can enjoy the taste of food that looks much diminished with the use of dentures, as the sensitivity of the gums and palate are kept.
  • With a good brushing technique, the use of dental floss and a good mouthwash, is very easy to keep clean dental implants and life, in contrast to conventional dentures that are constantly accumulating beneath them remains of food and adhesive cement.
  • For those patients who have the need to replace a single tooth and that they have healthy adjacent teeth, the implant dental can be used instead of a bridge, which consists on merging three crowns.



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Address: Plaza Hollywood Local 25 Coba Avenue Mz. 1 Lt. 1 Sm 35, Cancun, Quintana Roo, C.P. 77508

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